Monday, September 13, 2010


I have not spent a weekend in Raleigh in a really long time. This upcoming weekend will be my first. Here's what I've been doing.

It all started the last week of august. Bff moved into an apartment in Greensboro and I was invited to explore the city. Greensboro is just interesting and different to me. It seems like an older town, and they have the Friendly Center, which is pretty much like CamVil and Crabtree had a lovechild with all of the necessary stores, and its outdoors. So I like the place. Greensboro seemed to have character, which I wasn't expecting since multiple people seemed to have the impression that there were a bunch of chain restaurants, and everything was really commercial. I didn't completely feel that way.
And oh yeah, the bar we went out to had potent $5 LITs. Justsayin.

For Labor Day I was at the beach, and I already wrote about that. But it was epic.

This past weekend I visited EC in Charlotte for her birthday. Another epic weekend. Friday night we went uptown, Saturday we stayed in the Elizabeth neighborhood and went to Jackalope Jacks where they serve beer in mason jars. For all of you that don't know, I really dig drinking out of mason jars, and frequently use one for water. I had kept hearing about this bar, and needed to go. We also wound up hanging out with Ben Best (random TVGuide pic below, on the left) because he knew Trip, EC's step bro. It was pretty much epic. When someone comes into a bedroom and wakes you up from a nap by saying "wake up, the strippers are here" and they happen to be on a cultish show on hbo, Eastbound and Down, it's going to be a good night. I have some more stories, but pretty much it was just another weekend in Charlotte. Always memorable!

This upcoming weekend is the Tom Petty concert, which I have been waiting for since...the summer sometime. Last time I went it was with my parents, but was still epic. My mom kept the $11 dollar beers flowing inside after tailgating in the parking lot, and we had amazing seats. This time around I am going with several friends, and even more who I will be meeting up with at the show. I just can't wait. Pretty much the cooler weather has started rolling in, and pretty soon outdoor fun will not be an option. Tom will be the perfect way to end the summer. And I guess he is just about the only person who can keep me in Raleigh for a weekend, apparently.

First official school test tomorrow evening. Then I can sleep.

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