Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baby I like it - Labor Day at EI

This past weekend approached epic. It all started with a weekend last year where EC, CC, and I partied and deemed the weekend song "We Went Out Last Night." Somewhere over the winter and EC being in Denmark, we decided the tradition should continue. Emerald Isle, Long weekend, E Club, raging, tanning...perfection.

This year after much deliberation we decided Labor Day was to be the weekend, and there would be some additional guests for Best's birthday. Friday we headed down after Earl fizzled out and woke up at the beach Saturday. Woke up, went grocery shopping for some nonsubstantial food and alcohol, and headed out to the beach. That is pretty much the story of the weekend. Dinner was had, drinks were had, and we headed to E Club - Night 1.
So pretty much it was well intentioned. My name, Blanche, was in place. As well as Trish, Michelle, and Charlie. We decided on the beach that we needed some fake names to give, and they seemed to work fairly well. Yes, someone did believe a 20-something could have the name Blanche. (Love Marines.)
Things started going south when the following happened: First I was berated by a stranger, then I was shoved, then a drink was spilled on top of my head. On top. Of my head. If it was even on purpose, that would approach cool, like I pissed someone off so badly that they decided to dump a drink on my head. But at that point, it was just annoying. I was ready to go home. So after a convo that included someone saying "if you listen to 'rock lobster' while you trip shrooms its amazing" we left.
2.1 miles later, in a group bonding hike (think Outward Bound), we were home from the infamous E Club. I think we all chugged some water, had snacks, and went to bed.

Let me take a moment to direct you to the website of this establishment.
Yes, that's 2001, nine years ago. This web address is still on their wristbands. Check your pride at the door yall, its an experience.

The second day we headed out to the beach, spent the day, and did much of the same as the first day. Sidebar, I got really tan. Night 2...
Arrangements were made for a couple boys to join later, one being someone I will describe as my BFF. We have known each other for five years now, and pretty much recently I could have a whole slew of posts explaining our relationship. It was his birthday Friday, and he wound up being at home near to the beach for the weekend, so he decided to come by.
We went to dinner at a little roadside place called Jordan's, in close proximity to the E Club, and it was delicious. We had the funniest waitress, who used words like "tender." BFF joined us for dinner, sat down, and asked me if I was ready to rage. The answer, yes. I was ready to make up for the night of a spilled drink on my head, and rage to the fullest.
After dinner we headed home to hang a little bit, and readied ourselves for the evening. Bristol and Crystal were imagined, and we were off. First to a bar where there were a few people (our crew doubled the crowd) and some people seemed to be hating on EC's requests that the band play "Baby I Like It" by Enrique and "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. There were tequila shots served with lemons because the bar "didn't have limes" and other drinks passed around. As planned, raging was happening. But like, what food establishment doesn't have limes?
A little time passed, and the two men decided it was time to continue at the E club. As I am sure you can imagine, raging continued. I think most of the time I spent on the dance floor with "Cotton Eye Joe" and other country songs and then some MJ staples (Beat It, anyone?). I actually haven't danced like I was at a frat function in a really long time, and it was pretty much amazing.
Somehow two extra boys made it back to the house that evening in addition to the others we brought. Tater tots were made. I wound up going for a walk on the beach in somewhat Nicholas Sparks fashion, without the tragedy.
The original mission statement of "Are you ready to rage?" was completely satisfied and possibly surpassed.

Sunday night, as was the case last year, was completely epic. Sunday going out on a long weekend is always the best night to do so.

Monday we made it out to the beach after breakfast and sat around until it was time to clean up and go. I absolutely love EI, my friends, and everything about this past weekend.

Also, "Baby I Like It" was the official tune of this weekend. Kind of can't wait now for year #3!

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