Friday, August 20, 2010

Things that made my week...


It was my first full week of school this week, and there were some things that made it. Here is a list.

1. Music downloads: One of my friends took the liberty to give me the entire Teflon Don CD from Rick Ross. As well as some more inappropriate rap songs (the "Hard in the Paint" remix, etc) and some songs from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, an indie band. This entire collection of music really just framed my week and made me happy. I needed new things to listen to. I think the other thing here that is key is I am just really into blatantly ridiculous rap, like Rick Ross. So now I have all of his new stuff, which is excellent, that I can quote (inappropriately) as I please and play while I'm driving. In my Volvo. Bitch, I'm MC Hammer.

2. Classes & Homework: All I have to say about this is that finally knowing somewhat what to expect from everything makes a huge transition easier. People seem nice, I don't feel like a complete dumbass, everything should be okay.

3. One of my good friends visited, and it was just really good to see them. People like that make me happy.

4. I finally got back to the whole gymming and tanning (outdoor and indoor) thing. It just makes me feel a little bit better about life in a holistic sense. If you take some time out of the day to do good things for yourself, it can change the landscape of a mood of a day/week/month overall. So that's what I do. And please don't take the time to tell me tanning is really bad. I actually could care less, and I think that is a stupid opinion to share.

Its been a good first week of unemployment and study. I think I may be prepared for all of this after all! And I think I will start looking for a job when it gets a bit colder. I haven't had a break like this since sophomore year.

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