Tuesday, August 24, 2010


(image via PostSecret)

The Sunday meal...

This Sunday I woke up and realized I no longer lived near a Bojangles where I could get quality breakfast, and I did not have anyone to go to brunch with (due to our AC possibly being out, no friends could really stay over) so I was completely lost. My two Sunday meal options were eliminated. It wasn't really an organic poptarts kind of morning, so I decided to have macaroni and cheese. Breakfast of champions. By then it was about 11:30 so it was acceptable. And you know you die for the milk in the Lilly Pulitzer cup.
Technically I am back in school, so this behavior is acceptable. And yes, thank you, it was delicious.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Just wanted to clarify that pretty much the only clip of the scene in Garden State I could find is in German.
So yeah, love YouTube.

Things that made my week...


It was my first full week of school this week, and there were some things that made it. Here is a list.

1. Music downloads: One of my friends took the liberty to give me the entire Teflon Don CD from Rick Ross. As well as some more inappropriate rap songs (the "Hard in the Paint" remix, etc) and some songs from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, an indie band. This entire collection of music really just framed my week and made me happy. I needed new things to listen to. I think the other thing here that is key is I am just really into blatantly ridiculous rap, like Rick Ross. So now I have all of his new stuff, which is excellent, that I can quote (inappropriately) as I please and play while I'm driving. In my Volvo. Bitch, I'm MC Hammer.

2. Classes & Homework: All I have to say about this is that finally knowing somewhat what to expect from everything makes a huge transition easier. People seem nice, I don't feel like a complete dumbass, everything should be okay.

3. One of my good friends visited, and it was just really good to see them. People like that make me happy.

4. I finally got back to the whole gymming and tanning (outdoor and indoor) thing. It just makes me feel a little bit better about life in a holistic sense. If you take some time out of the day to do good things for yourself, it can change the landscape of a mood of a day/week/month overall. So that's what I do. And please don't take the time to tell me tanning is really bad. I actually could care less, and I think that is a stupid opinion to share.

Its been a good first week of unemployment and study. I think I may be prepared for all of this after all! And I think I will start looking for a job when it gets a bit colder. I haven't had a break like this since sophomore year.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Trifecta, things to have.

On some random night out last year Best and I decided to ask people (guys) in general conversation if they had guns and land. Because pretty much that would be a quality to look for in a person. As the summer got closer, we realized boats were pretty neat too. Thus, The Trifecta was born. I will actually expand on these requirements later, because I have a fairly detailed and comical list. And someone may or may not have told me I should post it(haha). But here is a vocab primer of sorts. Please use this in your own lives.

The Trifecta: Guns, land, and boats.

Life lessons - Hire people

This year we were forced to move from a wonderful house (that was sold to a new owner) to an apartment for 3 people. Despite issues with maintenance and insects that had to be resolved in the place, which was highly recommended by several friends, it seems to now be working out okay. I really hated the thought of moving and felt I was entitled to movers, so I hired them. Best life decision. They give you boxes, and they are free. I rode around with them for a few solid days in my car with the seat folded down, but they were free, and mine. As pictured below, they give you tall boxes for all of your hanging clothes. So you don't have to like rip them out of your closet, throw them in a car, have them go errywhere, and then awkwardly make 10 trips to your car from your new place to get all of your things. I also seem to have alot of clothes...
Oh yeah, and movers move things for you. You kind of get everything ready, then you sit and watch as within a matter of 15 minutes they have most of your things in a truck and ready to go. Then the same thing happens when they are unloading. All of a sudden your things are there, and its done.

I think this was the most adult decision I've made next to buying my car and deciding to go back to school. And really when it comes down to it, if you hate doing manual labor as much as I do, get someone to do it for you. You, your family, and the people who you would have forced into helping you will all appreciate it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Clusterfuck to school.

So as a few of you know now, I have quit my job and will be completing my postgrad Paralegal certificate. Pretty much I should have a post for everything that has gone on in my life up to this point, so I think I will work on that now that I have alot of free time on my hands. The overall feeling of the past few months was just me in the middle, and many other elements spinning around me. Much like the drug scene in Garden State.

But now I'm back. The job I despised is no longer a part of my life (though I will miss people there). I am so excited to get into my program and really start learning, and have a job that will be more of something I can picture myself doing longterm.

Right now though I am taking some time off and just being a student. And probably scheduling a massage sometime this week. No lie.