Sunday, November 21, 2010

The last two weeks.

As work has been picking up, and school has been making its final push towards the end of the semester, I have found myself very busy most of the time. Just to give you an idea of the typical day I go through...
6:15am - Rise and shine (it's really dark)
somewhere around 8:30am - arrive at work
9:00am - morning coffee. I have to add, my workplace has fresh Dunkin Donuts coffee every day, complete with a frequent buyers card. I am almost to my free cup!
noonish - lunch.
somewhere between 4:30 and 4:45pm, leave to go home, grab my things, and go to class for the rest of the night.
class 6-9pm.

So pretty much after class I kinda come home, sit in a cone of silence, maybe text with someone or something, and go to sleep to some sort of crappy tv show. Like Roseanne. That is, if I do not have a pressing project or assignment that would take precedence and keep me up later. I go from thing to thing all day, every day. I am really looking forward to the semester's break coming up, but also really enjoying having so much to do right now. I think it is having such little time to yourself that makes you cherish the simple random things so much more. And also it makes you want to do more with what time you have to yourself, not to waste time with trivial or stressful things.

The past two weekends have been perfect examples of that. Two weekends ago was the homecoming game. I went with a few of my close friends, and ran into several others. There is something about State having a good football season that makes the tailgating more fun. At homecoming Best and I did the traditional tailgate hop, had conversations about Yurman and wore dresses and boots. We ran into her brother, who supplied our tickets, and wound up hanging out at an RV tailgate where we got impromptu shagging lessons. On Sunday when I was telling someone "we shagged in front of the RV" they looked at me a little weird...then realized I was talking about the actual dance. Either way, it was just kind of epic. Who ever thought as a meer freshman in the dirt lot that as an alum I would be hanging out by the RV section getting life advice from people older than my parents. Epic.

This past weekend I did not want to go out, I was in kind of a funk from the week. On Saturday we did win our game, and a celebration was proposed. We went to dinner for Michelle's sister's birthday, and then headed down to our new preppy hangout spots. It is kind of like grown up Hillsborough scene, only with a mix of people. It's just not downtown. There is nobody in an Affliction teeshirt, and pretty much where those people are not, that is the place I should be. We ran into our old friend from the beach named Steele Magnolias (not really), and it was kind of a trip. Ran into a couple old coworkers as well who said they went there often, so I may have to keep it going. It was really just one of those nights where I almost called it early, had zero expectations, but then it was so much better.

Pretty much when my life hasn't felt like a bad episode of the Housewives of BH recently, it has been excellent. I am becoming more comfortable with my position and meeting more people at work, becoming more comfortable with the city I am in and those who are around me. I feel like the years right post college are an exercise in uncertainty. I feel like I am finally reaching a point where I see a bit of a path ahead of me, and it is kind of clear as to where I am going. There is still room for interpretation though, I like that.

I know Thanksgiving is in a few days, and this is really extremely cheesy, but I think all of this right now is something to be thankful for.

That and us beating Carolina.
Just sayin.

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