Monday, February 21, 2011

well bless your heart...


As most people likely know at this point, I continue to have no free time. I only have time to think in figments of 140 characters, and at this moment I am doing some homework, blogging, and watching ABC's Nightline, because I have been negligent to change the channel since I was watching the Bachelor before. Life is excellent, and I kind of can't wait for February to end. Our peak time at work is about to start with the beginning of March, and everything is thawing out. I like that spring feeling.

I told one of my friends recently that I hadn't really been in touch with, "I never have time to talk to people, so you should probably just talk to me...I am still alive." And that's about all I have time to say. I can't wait to finish my semester and then really start my life, again.

I am currently...
Really enjoying watching Mike Huckabee duck hunting. Where is the remote?
Off of Facebook for over a year now, it's how I have gotten all this work done.
Obsessed with and addicted to hot yoga. Namaste.

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