Thursday, May 27, 2010

VOW - Video of the Week

So I was talking to Best, one of my good friends about my blog and how I wanted to somehow incorporate awesomely gay, yet great, music videos. She thought it would be quite appropriate to have one a week or so, and they probably should be from the years 1980 - 1999. This will touch on many of the greats of our youth, and provide general entertainment. Maybe it will even inspire some random iTunes downloads, nothing to be ashamed of. My goal is to entertain. There are many videos I could choose to kick this off, so without further ado, I think I have picked one of the best ones...

"Down Under" by Men at Work


There is always something about a Thursday. At work it's like the last day you really have to work. The weather is always nice on Thursday, and I feel like at least half of the people you know think Thursday could legitimately be Friday. Thursdays are just never a bad day, you all know the week is about to be over, you start forming plans for the weekends. In school there was one bar we all went to on Thursday where the beer was free if you were a girl before 11pm, and now there are beach music concerts to attend as an adult. It's the universal informal end of the week. If you go all out on Thursday, you only have one day to make it through to the weekend, then of course you can start the real weekend life.

Though normally you do have to work and have a legitimate weekday life on a Thursday, there is just something about it that makes it a great day of the week. But somehow Tuesdays always suck, think about it, they do.

I am looking forward to the weekend though, time to relax, work out, tan, and do whatever I want. Maybe even a fair share of throwing down, since my life has been missing that lately. We shall see. The world is my oyster.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I might be good at this...

For a really long time, many people have told me I would be really good at blogging. I've always been shy to start, but sometime around January or February I decided I would deactivate Facebook in favor of entering the blog world.

Step 1 happened rather quickly, I believe it was the first week of February. Facebook just started freaking me out. The whole idea of it. The number of people who I could see and who could see me. I don't hate on people who are on it, it's just really not for me. I like controlling things, and there was getting to be less and less I could control on that site. It drove me nuts, so it was over. I bid adieu to my friend/enemy/sometimes boo of 4 years in favor of more creative online mediums with which to share my life. Maybe someday either FB will be extinct, or I will reconcile with it in favor of putting up wedding or baby photos. I am hoping for the former (extinction) rather than the latter (forced reconciliation), but until then the future of our relationship remains to be seen.

So then there was the much anticipated "Step 2"
...okay y'all, I understand it's late May. I apologize. I spent much of Feb to present figuring out my next career moves, working out, dating people who bored me, watching the Real Housewives of New York City (and now Jersey also), shopping, and making every weekend count in a fine balance of relaxation and socializing. Living "off the grid" so to speak.
I realized recently while sharing a story through long rambling Gtalk paragraphs while I was at work that honestly, I have some pretty good stories. And well, if my stories are mundane, or not that good, I think I have a way of telling them so that they are fairly entertaining. It was then I had the epiphany of "This is why I should blog." Indeed.

This brings me here right now. I'm not sure what will go on here, but I mean at the very least it should be an entertaining glimpse of what goes on in my life, and what I think on a regular basis. And well, I need somewhere to put these things while I remember them and while everyone else finds it funny.