Monday, February 21, 2011

well bless your heart...


As most people likely know at this point, I continue to have no free time. I only have time to think in figments of 140 characters, and at this moment I am doing some homework, blogging, and watching ABC's Nightline, because I have been negligent to change the channel since I was watching the Bachelor before. Life is excellent, and I kind of can't wait for February to end. Our peak time at work is about to start with the beginning of March, and everything is thawing out. I like that spring feeling.

I told one of my friends recently that I hadn't really been in touch with, "I never have time to talk to people, so you should probably just talk to me...I am still alive." And that's about all I have time to say. I can't wait to finish my semester and then really start my life, again.

I am currently...
Really enjoying watching Mike Huckabee duck hunting. Where is the remote?
Off of Facebook for over a year now, it's how I have gotten all this work done.
Obsessed with and addicted to hot yoga. Namaste.

Friday, December 31, 2010


I love this man.

Things that are self explanitory...

(via thatssowoolard)

Somewhat related to the last, found while being a complete blog stalker.

later, 2010

I think the crazy thing about this new year is that it is the end of another decade. The end of the 90s was a big deal, the first decade I really saw the end of, ringing in the new century, millenium, etc. Will Smith made a terrible song about it, it was big news. This decade, not so much. I just hope someday it will be looked back upon like I look at the 70s and 80s, my kids will say "I am jealous you got to live then."

Probs not. Anyways...

2010 was an important year for me though. Many lessons learned. I think the all encompassing theme is "If it doesn't make you happy, stop." If you don't like your job, take steps to do something else. If you don't like your relationships, end them. If you're tired of your haircolor, dye it. again. And the list goes on. There are definite positives and negatives with huge changes in jobs, friends, and life, but I think all of that experience amounts to a part of life, a very important one.

I really feel like this was the year where I took control of doing things for me. I grew up. I realized what situations I was putting myself in and made them better. I will be finishing up school in May, and from there I can take my new career anywhere. Not to mention completely support myself anywhere I choose to go. Do I have any better grasp of what I am doing with my life? Absolutely not. And I love it. I just know what is possible, what I can make happen for myself. I am so young, the world is my oyster. Literally.

A wise person said to me eariler this year (paraphrasing) "You need to fucking do something for yourself. I'm tired of seeing you put things aside to make everyone else happy. If it makes you happy, do it, and if anyone something to say, fuck them. They don't matter."

Thank you, wise person, for that advice. Opportunity seized. Bring it on, 2011.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Life Advice - 5 Winter driving tips...

As many of you know, I originally grew up in Connecticut. A place of snow and ice in the winter, and with that, the necessity of driving and living with these acts of nature. Seeing I now live in a city where every interstate is clogged by a wreck at the site of rain, here is my advice for driving in the winter.

1. Parking lots are the worst part. So if you're looking at the apartment parking lot, and the outlook is grim, that may be the worst part of your day. Also avoid other errands requiring parking lots. Chances are, you will slip on ice and bust your ass. Travel with caution.

2. Don't get cocky. Yes, you have a Jeep. Yes, you're the best driver ever. Yes, you are a guy and as a woman I have no right to tell you how to drive. Seriously though, don't try stupid things and wreck your car. Avoid being that guy. It's not impressive. First hand experience talking.

3. Downshifting. On scary hills, downshift your car. When you are driving and you feel like it might go badly, downshift. Just do it.

4. If your car has a button with a W, that stands for "winter", use this button.

5. Brush off your car. Seriously. Nothing pisses people off like someone in a snow coated car in front of them dumping their load all over the road and other windshields. Plus, you're screwed if the snow on your roof falls in the other direction and blinds you on the highway. I am sure people have died from this.

Please feel free contact me if you have questions. After all, I know how to drive in the snow, it's everyone else I am worried about.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Season's Greetings

My coworker printed this gem out for me and hung it in my cube.
In case you cannot see it, the full title is "Seasons Greetings from Daryl Hall and John Oates"

I can't say it any better. Have a great Christmas, y'all!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Life Lessons: Don't be a Camille

I think we all know by now that I watch more of the Real Housewives franchises than any sane person probably should, but they are probably some of the most entertaining things on television. Everyone needs a guilty pleasure, and these happen to last all year. The only one I really tired of was New Jersey, purely because there was WAY too much Danielle Staub for me to enjoy it. That and Teresa's family might be bankrupt...and that just makes me uncomfortable. Oh and Jacqueline's felon daughter or whatever, it was too much.

That being said, I am way into the Atlanta and Beverly Hills franchises right now, finding both ridiculously enjoyable. Pretty much except for one person...Camille.

This woman is insane. Wow. I don't even know where to begin. Okay wait, let's start with the fact that she goes ahead and tells all of these women that she has four nannys for her two children that she had with a surrogate. I don't see the need to advertise that to a group of women, most of whom actually had children or currently have them, and they tend to interact with their children. That's what normal people do. She also was a total skank with other people's husbands...but that is one of those two sided deals. Until she started talking about when she got her implants removed. Why exactly would you make normal conversation about your breast implants, or lack thereof, or how yours are just doesn't have to come up. Also consistently mentioning that her husband is an A-List celebrity, making her somehow higher in the pecking order than everyone else on the show. If you're defining yourself by your husband, that is a whole other set of problems you need to talk about.
The huge thing that bothers me is something of course that I have seen real people do in my life. She basically took some comment that Kyle (a housewife I kind of adore) made and lied about what she said, and what she meant. Causing drama where drama is not due is so beyond inappropriate. I don't understand how anyone could run their life off of making conflict with others. Why exactly does she want to cause a fight with everyone on the show? Camille is not the first, nor the last, person to engage in it, but it's just so unbearable. The worst part are those people who sit around her saying "Kyle and the other wives are just jealous..." What? Nobody is ever jealous of Camille. You deal with that until you no longer have to. Its not fun.

So, that brings me to my life lesson...
Don't be a Camille. Kelsey Grammer will leave you. And you'll be that awkward one at the Andy Cohen reunion special that nobody wants to sit with on the couch.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sorostitute part II

Here are some links to brighten your average day...
Total Frat Move
Sorostitute Stories
